*Disclaimer: Each testimonial posted on my website has been given specific permission by an individual to use this information anonymously. Every client is different; therefore results in treatment may vary.

As I suffered from severe insomnia (barely sleeping 2 hours per nights) as a symptoms of post-traumatic stress, I was advised to try hypnotherapy. From the very first session Heather helped me understand better how our unconscious mind works to protect us and that those protection mechanisms can sometimes create uncomfortable side effects. The first session was about my experience and symptoms before proceeding to the hypnosis itself. Described succinctly, my experience of hypnotherapy was about reaching a stage of deep relaxation/semi- sleeping mode which allowed to uncover unconscious causes of my condition; we would later talk about them and Heather helped me solve and release them. Her patience and understanding made the sessions powerfully healing. I could see improvement from the 2nd session; I continued for a bit longer and can now sleep easily and restfully.

Insomnia *

Rachel tells us how she overcame her fear of heights and flying with hypnotherapy.

Fear of flying and heights

I started seeing Heather in May 2015 for weight loss, and also as we uncovered in the first consultation self-esteem and confidence. We did 3 great sessions over the course of 3 months. Heather used a variety of techniques to work on what I wanted to change. Wordweaving was particularly successful, along with time line regression. She has really succeeded in changing how my unconscious mind reacts to food and exercise. The results are stark, 2 stone in weight lost in the 6 months since we started the sessions and my happiness and confidence has increased massively. Thank you Heather 🙂

Weight Loss *

Needlephobia & Aichmophobia

See how hypnotherapy helped Sarah for fear of needles.

Needlephobia & Aichmophobia

I booked in with Heather as I always had a feeling I was overly anxious about various aspects of my life to the point where I was unable to stop thinking about them when trying to relax. Although I was a little sceptical of hypnotherapy, after meeting Heather and seeing how calming and relaxed she was, I thought there was no harm in giving it a try. The actual sessions were very thorough and well thought out. I felt very calm throughout which is largely to do with Heather putting me at ease. Heather helped me to find the source of many of my issues and to confront it head on in order to be able to move past it. I left my second session with a real feeling of enlightenment! I found I was seeing the results almost instantly, in that I was much calmer about situations that occurred and was far more aware of things that were within my control and those that were not. It’s made a real difference to my outlook on things and the way I approach what would have been tricky situations. I can highly recommend Heather, she has a really distinct way of getting beneath the surface to the crux of the issue without being invasive. She’s very professional, but super lovely too which always helps! Give it a try, what do you have to lose?

Anxiety *

John explains how he overcame his anxiety using cognitive hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy for anxiety

So far I have had just 2 sessions with Heather and in this time I have seen dramatic changes to parts of my life I have struggled with for over 15 years. I went to Heather suffering from panic attacks which began when I was 18 and stopped me being able to drive. The panic attacks continued over the years and on moving to London 7 years ago I found I had an attack everytime I needed to use an escalator (as most Londoners will recognise this makes getting about pretty difficult!). After the birth of my little girl the symptoms got worse and when I returned to work I was having 3 panic attacks a day on average, mainly whilst walking down the street. I realised if I continued in this manner I would eventually be unable to leave the house. This is when I contacted Heather. After just 1 session my partner watched me get on an escalator with my little one in the buggy. This is something not even I would have believed possible and seeing his reaction he clearly didn’t believe it either! Since then I have a newfound freedom and the thought of commuting no longer fills me with so much dread that I actively avoid it. I feel calmer, more positive and more confident. In addition other dreams I have been wishing for but never believed would happen have also opened up for me. I have begun the process of starting my own business and an opportunity to get a mortgage has also sprung up literally out of nowhere! I would not hesitate in recommending Heather. She has a warm, friendly manner and her methods work!

Panic attacks *

Using Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Lynn James has lost 3 stone in weight.

Weight Loss using Cognitive Hypnotherapy

I had Cognitive Hypnotherapy for a fear of getting on escalators. Before the sessions if I knew I was going shopping or up to London on the tube, I would find myself panicking about the escalators, sweaty palms, raised heart rate, not looking forward to the day ahead. I did have some reservations about the therapy, but had to try something, as I was getting desperate. I booked a session after a day trip to London with the children over the Christmas period, I was totally marred by my phobia and I just thought enough! So I went to see Heather and it was after my second session that everything shifted. I got very emotional about an incident when I was young that I had remembered, but the detail was amazing and then changing my thought process about the incident made a big difference. I am still not totally comfortable with escalators, but don’t avoid them as I did previously (in fact embrace them) and have since gone to London on a couple of occasions and used the London Underground with only slight hesitation, which is 100 times better than I was. I would totally recommend Heather.

Fear of escalators – London underground *

Fay explains how she overcame her fear of heights by having some Cognitive Hypnotherapy sessions with me in central London.

How to overcome a fear of heights using Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Before the sessions with Heather I struggled with self-confidence because of blushing and avoided any situations that could lead to that. Heather always made me feel very comfortable and after each session I was leaving full of energy, positive, happy and confident. The sessions with Heather were great, very relaxing and I started feeling better and was encouraged to implement changes in my behaviour. I could talk to her openly with the feeling that she understands my problems. She always knew how to deal with the problem and worked with me to resolve it. I loved Heather’s professionalism, calmness and positivity. I experienced fantastic results only after three sessions. I started feeling much more self confident and assertive. Hypnotherapy with Heather was life changing, gave me happiness and encouragement to succeed whatever I planned to achieve. I was always looking forward to the new session with Heather as I really liked her approach, kindness and professionalism. I could not imagine finding a better therapist.

Blushing *

Amy explains how she overcame a fear of escalators by working with me using Cognitive Hypnotherapy in London. She was so impressed with the results, she continued to work with me on some other issues she wanted to change.

Overcoming a fear of escalators using Cognitive Hypnotherapy

After a double hernia operation I felt extremely anxious for a number of weeks afterwards. I was very claustrophobic and could not breathe properly. I had to keep going out and walking around in the fresh air sometimes late at night as I was unable to sleep. I did not want to travel in confined spaces such as trains and planes, the theatre etc. and even had to cancel a holiday I had booked to America by plane as I could not face the journey. My wife suggested hypnotherapy might help and we contacted Heather. Even from the first session, I felt very at ease with Heather and after 2 to 3 sessions I could feel myself gradually getting better. I had approximately 6 sessions in all and now feel the confident person I used to be. I flew to Dublin recently without any problem and am now planning to book another trip to America which I feel I can now do. I cannot thank Heather enough for giving me my life back.

Claustrophobia *

Neil describes how Cognitive Hypnotherapy has helped him to get unstuck and back on track.

How to get unstuck in life using Cognitive Hypnotherapy

My son, aged 5 has had two sessions with Heather, both for very different reasons. One to help focus on improving his ability to fall to sleep which he finds incredibly difficult. And secondly, help with anxiety related to monthly hospital day admissions for an infusion which involves him having a cannula inserted. He had got to the point where he was so anxious it would take 5 people to hold him for the procedure and he was incredibly distressed. After one session with Heather the difference has been staggering. He now doesn’t need to be held at all other than to steady his arm for the procedure. He uses strategies which Heather taught him in the run up to the procedure and appears very confident. I’m still amazed at the difference in him. At his last hospital session he said to the nurse ‘oh just hurry up and put it in I’m not even scared, just make sure you let me look!’ Even the nurses have been gob smacked! I can’t thank Heather enough. His ability to fall to sleep calmly had also much improved. I wouldn’t hesitate to use Heather again and would definitely recommend her services.

Hypnosis for children *

Emma describes how quickly she overcame her fear of escalators using Cognitive Hypnotherapy. London Hypnotherapy

Overcoming escalaphobia using Cognitive Hypnotherapy

I just wanted you to know that I am doing pretty well – I am eating & enjoying my food and slowly gaining back the pounds. I have begun work and don’t feel overtly daunted or shy about it and I have had the ‘energy’ to clear out tonnes of cupboards at home (ready for when we have to move). I’ve felt so good this week I did a work out – something i couldn’t have dreamt doing a month ago because I simply had no energy. I have even changed my maiden name by deed poll! So, thank you for putting me back to ‘me’ – I feel good and hopeful for the future. I am positive coming to see you has helped me greatly & I won’t hesitate to come back to you should I have any more blips along the road or for general self improvement.

End of relationship *

Nicolle shares her experience of Cognitive Hypnotherapy and how it has helped her with night terrors.

Overcoming Parasomnia with Cognitive Hypnotherapy

Thank you Heather for helping me give up smoking. It has been a challenge for me over the years trying different methods and has never worked until now. I just don’t want to smoke anymore!

Smoking cessation *

I bought my 10 year old child to see Heather about six months ago due to his severe anxiety regarding travelling and lifts in particular but we also had issues with sleeping. After the first couple of sessions, I noticed that he was less anxious in general. I have to say I was sceptical about hypnotherapy on a child however, we really were at our wits end and exhausted other avenues, apart from medication which we were very keen to avoid. The breakthrough came after we went to Paris and he was able to go on the underground and all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower in a lift. He used the techniques that Heather had taught him and he coped extremely well. I would highly recommend Heather as my child loved the sessions and we all got so much out of them and life is far less stressful.

Child severe anxiety *

For as long as I can remember I have suffered from OCD, a few of my issues were: over turning taps, continuous light switching, checking doors, amongst others. I had 3 sessions in total with Heather and noticed a change in my behaviour after the 1st session and continued on for 2 more sessions to make sure the changes had become permanent. After the sessions I felt less stressed at night time and slept better. I’m glad I took the hypnotherapy route instead of visiting my GP, I was very embarrassed about my OCD and I’m thankful this is now resolved, thanks to Heather.

Obsessive compulsive disorder *

I would have no hesitation in recommending Heather. I have always found doing presentations and certain social situations very difficult. Heather used a variety of techniques to help me overcome my fears and afterwards I quickly noticed a significant reduction in the anxiety I had previously felt when in these situations. Heather has also given me some simple and effective tips to use in future if I feel anxious again. Come along with an open mind and allow Heather to skilfully guide you to where you want to be.

Social phobia *

I had heard lots of positive feedback about hypnotherapy from friends and family and after suffering a long period of severe social anxiety, panic attacks, fear of driving and flying, I decided to give it a go. I had already gone down the route of other programmes, medication and cognitive behavioural therapy but to no avail. I had home visits and the difference after only one session was amazing, particularly in light of me having so much anxiety. Heather even kindly provided me with recordings that I could listen to at my leisure. Hypnotherapy has made so much difference to my life and I would urge anyone encountering any difficulties to try it out. I don’t exactly know how it works but it does and Heather makes you feel so comfortable and has such a calming impact that I am so glad I chose her and would definitely recommend her to anyone and everyone! Thank you Heather.

Panic attacks & anxiety *

Before seeing Heather I was very self-conscious over my image, abilities and how people viewed me (in particular to the sense of being judged). Heather worked well with me in a comfortable and safe environment where I was always at ease and given the space to work with her. Using her skills we worked together to build coping mechanisms and house-keeping of my own emotions and experiences. Heather was supportive and guiding throughout the sessions I had with her and now I am happy to accept my place and my work with happiness and confidence. It’s very peaceful emotionally to be in a good place and not to waste energy on the negatives in life. I would (and have) recommend Heather to those who want to change and simply need a helping hand to do so.

Self-image & confidence *

Through the cumulative stressful and negative emotional experiences in my working and personal life respectively, I eventually arrived at a point where I was left a tired and empty shell. I had lost all my drive to be successful and had become indifferent emotionally regarding all aspects of my life. I had heard and read about Cognitive Hypnotherapy and some of the techniques it employs and although I was curious it was something I had never pursued. I approached Heather by chance, after seeing her at her presentation stand within the campus where I worked. I loosely enquired about the sessions she offered and we arranged a further chat to discuss whether this was the right thing for me. I instantly felt relaxed and comfortable talking to Heather and I went onto have several very successful sessions addressing how I had become. I would whole heartedly recommend Heather if you are interested in this treatment as I never once felt judged opening up in her presence and there was a noticeable improvement after the first session. My only regret is I should have done it sooner.

Depression *

I have to strongly recommend hypnobirthing. I was completely sceptical….but I had a really short labour, totally controlled by relaxation, meditation and other hypno techniques taught by Heather. I went from 2cm to 5cm with no pain relief at all and gave birth 20 mins later… I know it sounds really hippie but I think the hypno really really helped!!!

Hypnobirthing – Confident Childbirth *